This web site is intended for medical professionals working in an ICU or interested in Critical Care, but can also be accessed by the general public. The information provided here is made available for educational purposes only. The information given here is from textbooks/journals. I have provided the source, indicated references and given credit where applicable. Every post is linked to its source of information. Any kind of information posted on the web site is referenced and properly dated.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Quiz 4:

This 45 year old man, comes with history of Dyspnoea on Exertion since 3 years, rapidly progressing since 1 month to Dyspnoea at rest since last 2 days. History of Orthopnoea and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea present.

On Examination, following signs were present as shown in pictures above.

CVS Examination-

BP in both upper limbs: 110/30mm Hg, and in both lower limbs 160/40mmHg (Hill’s sign Positive)

A short systolic murmur and an early diastolic murmur heard.

Diagnose the condition…..

Click here to view the answer