This web site is intended for medical professionals working in an ICU or interested in Critical Care, but can also be accessed by the general public. The information provided here is made available for educational purposes only. The information given here is from textbooks/journals. I have provided the source, indicated references and given credit where applicable. Every post is linked to its source of information. Any kind of information posted on the web site is referenced and properly dated.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


A 54 year old male patient,

known Hypertensive, Ischaemic heart disease, had undergone CAG – PTCA to LAD about 8 mnths back.

Now presents with

H/o Fever – low grade, on and off for last 6 mnths, being treated on out patient basis with multiple antibiotics;

H/o 1 episode of giddiness/ black-out about 2 months back;

H/o hoarseness of voice since last 3 weeks, IDL done: suggestive of Left vocal cord palsy; followed by

H/o dysphagia, to both solids and liquids, sudden in onset, since today morning.

What is your diagnosis?


  1. isn't this called ortner's syndrome? kinda remember the details faintly... heard them in some podcast or read some blog...


    dammit... wrong probably. time to hit up google....

  2. Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve due to recent chest surgery. the fever sounds reminiscent of dressler's syndrome but pt would have more chest pain and dyspnea.

  3. The fever is because he had a mycotic aneurysm.... infected. N so we couldn't do a stenting of the aneurysm. He had to undergo a surgical repair which he couldn't withstand...

  4. may be infective thoracic aortic aneurysm
