This web site is intended for medical professionals working in an ICU or interested in Critical Care, but can also be accessed by the general public. The information provided here is made available for educational purposes only. The information given here is from textbooks/journals. I have provided the source, indicated references and given credit where applicable. Every post is linked to its source of information. Any kind of information posted on the web site is referenced and properly dated.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Quiz 1: Altered mental status with an abnormal electrocardiogram

A 30-year-old female presented to the emergency department with lethargy and weakness. Her past medical history and any further details regarding the current history of present illness were unavailable.
On examination, the patient was drowsy but arousable; vitals signs were: blood pressure 210/110 mmHg, pulse 70 beats/minute, and respirations 40/minute. The remainder of the examination was unremarkable except for an apparent A-V dialysis shunt in the left upper extremity. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is seen below:

What does the ECG show? What is your diagnosis?



Click here to view the answer


  1. sine wave pattern due to hyperkaelemia, indication for urgent hemodialyssis...

  2. is she ARF on CRF with Hyperkalemia..?

  3. Hyperkalaemia
